Indian Siddharth Sharma Indian Siddharth Sharma

Rhea & Divish

The first conversation we ever had with Rhea and Divish, she said, "Guys, do something crazy. We are ready for absolutely anything!". We are sure many couples say that. But boy, was it different with this one. Rhea's friends call her a firecracker with unlimited energy. That's an understatement. She is sexy and confident, relentless and tireless. Nothing can match her except Divish's swagger and cool aura. When we say we took them out for a lakeside session in the cold, then trapped them in a dark room for some experimental shots, put them in a pool, then a bath tub, and all the while they kept up their energy, we ain't lying. Their wedding was a three day party with craze, energy, drinks and dancing that we thoroughly enjoyed capturing and being a part of.

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